Python Exemplary
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The source code of all examples can be downloaded from here.


Collecting and exposing data on the Internet


As you learned in this tutorial, the Raspberry Pi is a wonderful machine to collect data from different sensors, e.g. temperature, humidity, state of a monitored system, GPS, etc. Sometime you process the data immediately, but in other applications the data is stored and processed later, possibly on an other system. To store the data, a local file on the SD card can be used that is move later manually from the SD card, e.g. via a SFTP connection. You also learned how to transfer the data in real time to a control station, using the TCP client/server model.

In still another scenario you want to store the data in a Web database so they can be retrieved any time by a Web browser (on any device: PC, tablet, smartphone) with a pleasant site layout, possibly including a graphical data representation. In this chapter you learn the principles how to set up such a application. The same time it is an introduction to the general techniques used for dynamic Web sites.

Typically the data flow is as follows:

  • The Web server presents a Web site that includes a PHP script
  • The client performs a HTTP GET request where the data is encoded as URL parameters
  • The Web server then extracts the parameters and passes the information to the PHP script
  • The script performs a connection to a database server (on the same hardware or remote) and executes a SQL command to insert the data in a database table
  • The Web browser performs a HTTP GET request that calls another PHP script
  • The script performs a database connection and executes a SQL command that retrieves the information from the database table
  • The Web server decorates the information with layout tags and sends the HTML data to the Web browser
The Internet connection of the Raspberry Pi can be established with an Ethernet, a WiFi or a GSM link. With GSM the data acquisition system becomes completely autonomous.



Setting up an account with a free Internet Service Provider (ISP)


First you need a Web Service Provider (ISP) that provides (few) Web space and PHP to access a MySQL database. If you don't have one yet, you may look for a low cost or even free account. We recommend that offers free web hosting with all features you need to store and retrieve your data. Here a quick tutorial how you setup up a free account.

  • Go to and click on Free Web Hosting
  • At next page, use defaults and press CONTINUE
  • At next page, fill out the New Client section
  • Click login into your account. Wait for the activation email
    and activate your account
  • Next you need to register a domain name.

    Choose a free domain and remove all other hosting plans (xxx will be your personal subdomain name)

  • Now you log into your site with FTP:
    Server: the registered domain
    Username: as sent by email
    Password: same as for the site management
    Create a HTML file called index.html with some simple text, e.g.

    <h1>Greetings from the Paradise</h1>

    and copy it via FTP into subdirectory

  • Start a Web browser (eventually force an update or clear the browser cache). Select the URL The site should be displayed.

  • Log in your account with and click icon Database Manager in the section Advanced Tools. Create a MySQL Database by selecting the database name and password.


  • Down the page you see that the database is created. Make a note what is the user, host and port. Under Management click phpMyAdmin 4:


    Click the SQL tab, enter the following SQL command (using Copy&Paste) and press OK.

    CREATE TABLE temperature (
    UNIQUE KEY (id)

  • The table temperature will be populated by a PHP script. Create insert.php and copy it into the Web space (where index.html resides).
    echo "Executing: insert.php";
    $con= mysqli_connect("host", "username",
                         "password", "database_name", "port");
    $x = $_GET["x"];
    $y = $_GET["y"];
    echo "<br>x = ".$x." y =".$y;
    $sql ="INSERT INTO temperature (x, y) VALUES ('$x', '$y')";
    mysqli_query($con, $sql); 
    echo "<br>done";

    Fill in host, username, password, database_name, port with your actual data, e.g.

    mysqli_connect("", "2188329_raspi",
                   "UltraSlim", "2188329_raspi", "3306");

  • Make a test by opening a browser and using the following URL (or change the values for x and y):
    If you do not get any error message, it is almost certain that everything worked well. You can check with phpMyAdmin that the table temperature contains the record.

  • To retrieve the content of the table with your Web browser, create the file showall.php and copy it into the Web space (use the same line for $con as before):
    $con= mysqli_connect("host", "username",
                         "password", "database_name", "port");
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM temperature";
    $rs = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
    $totalRows_rs = mysqli_num_rows($rs);
    <h1>This is the content of table 'temperature'</h1>
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs))
    x = <?php echo $row['x'];?> <br>
    y = <?php echo $row['y'];?> <br><br>
    <?php } ?>
    <p>Number of records: <?php echo $totalRows_rs ?></p>
  • In your browser enter the URL
    and you should see all records of table temperature.


Inserting database records from the Raspberry Pi


Insert some x, y value pairs into your database with a Python program, e.g. the numbers 1 to 5 and their corresponding squares.

Now you understand how to manipulate the database from your browser, you can replace the browser request by a HTTP GET request issued by a Python program. There are different Python libraries to be used for this purpose, here we take the very basic socket library. Of course the program can be executed from any computer with Internet access, whether it is a PC or the Raspberry Pi.



import socket 
import time
import math

host = ""
port = 80

for x in range(0, 101, 5):
    y = 0.5 + 0.5 * math.sin(0.1 * x) 
    print x, y
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) 
    s.connect((host , port))
    request = "GET /insert.php?x=" + str(x) + "&y=" + str(y) + \
              " HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: " + host + "\r\n\r\n" 
print "Done"
Highlight program code (Ctrl+C copy, Ctrl+V paste)

After you executed the program, you can see the result in your Web browser with the URL:

In order to start with a clean table, you can remove all records either with phpMyAdmin or from your Web browser with the following PHP script deleteall.php that you put in your Web space (again, use the same line for $con as before):

$con= mysqli_connect("host", "username",
                     "password", "database_name", "port");

$sql ="DELETE FROM temperature";
mysqli_query($con, $sql);
echo "All records deleted!"



Inserting database records via GSM (with the SIM800 modem)


Insert current date/time and as simulated y-data a random number between 1 and 100 (inclusive) every minute into the temperature table from a completely standalone Raspberry Pi, connected to the Internet via a GSM modem.

Consult the site about GSM to learn how to setup and use your SIM800 modem. The module shown there contains the function sendHTTPRequest() that we use to send the GET request.



import serial
import time, sys
import datetime
from SIM800Modem import *
import random

APN = ""
HOST = ""
PORT = 80

SERIAL_PORT = "/dev/ttyAMA0"  # Raspberry Pi 2
#SERIAL_PORT = "/dev/ttyS0"    # Raspberry Pi 3

print "Resetting modem..."
ser = serial.Serial(SERIAL_PORT, baudrate = 9600, timeout = 5)
if not isReady(ser):
    print "Modem not ready."

print "Connecting to GSM net..."
connectGSM(ser, APN)
while True:
    startTime = time.time()
    t =
    x = str(t)
    x = x.replace(" ", "%20") # don't use space in url
    y = random.randint(1, 100)
    print "data:", x, y
    print "Sending HTTP request..."
    reply = connectTCP(ser, HOST, PORT)
    if "CONNECT OK" not in reply:
        print "Connection failed"
    sendHTTPRequest(ser, HOST, "/insert.php?x=" + x + "&y=" + str(y)) 
    print "Closing. Waiting for next transfer"
    isRunning = True
    while time.time() - startTime < 60:
Highlight program code (Ctrl+C copy, Ctrl+V paste)

Since the time it takes to run the first part of the while loop is not well defined, we store the current system time in startTime in the beginning of the loop body and wait in the end of the loop until the elapsed time is 60 seconds that guarantees a period of almost exactly 1 minute.

Again, you may request all data any time with a Web browser and the URL:

The data transferred each minute is less than 100 bytes. In one day this accumulates to about 150 kB and in 1 month to about 4.5 MB, normally well below the monthly limit of a cheap mobile subscription. (Be aware that some GSM providers round up any transfer to a minimum of 1 kB.)



Graphical presentation of data using HTML5


Displaying data graphically with auto-refresh in a coordinate grid within a Web page.

HTML5 provides a rich support for displaying graphics elements. It is rather simple to combine HTML with PHP and SQL to get the data from the database and display them in a pleasant Web page.

HTML file: graphik.php

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5" >

  $con= mysqli_connect("host", "username", 
     "password", "database_name", "port");
  $sql = "SELECT * FROM temperature ORDER BY id";
  $rs = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
  $totalRows_rs = mysqli_num_rows($rs);

    function init(id) 
      var cmin = 50
      var cmax = 450
      var cstep = 40
      var canvas = document.getElementById(id);
      var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
      context.font = 'bold 13pt Calibri';
      // Draw grid
      context.lineWidth = 0.5;
      for (y = cmin; y <= cmax; y = y + cstep)
        context.moveTo(cmin, y);
        context.lineTo(cmax, y);
      for (x = cmin; x <= cmax; x = x + cstep)
        context.moveTo(x, cmin);
        context.lineTo(x, cmax);
      // Draw ticks
      context.font = '12pt Calibri';
      for (i = 0; i <= 10; i = i + 1)
        context.fillText(10 * i, 45 + 40 * i, 470);
      for (k = 0; k <= 10; k = k + 1)
        context.fillText(k / 10, 25, 455 - 40 * k);
      return context
  <h2>Sensor Data</h2>
  <canvas id="myCanvas" style="position:absolute; top:20px; 
           left:25px" width="500" height="510"></canvas>  
    var context = init('myCanvas')
    context.lineWidth = 2;
	context.strokeStyle = '#0000ff';
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs))
      if ($row['x']  > 100)
    context.lineTo(<?php echo $row['x'];?> * 4 + 50, 
                450 - <?php echo $row['y'];?> * 400);
    <?php } ?>
	context.fillText('Total number of records:  ' + 
		   		<?php echo $totalRows_rs ?>, 25, 510);
